Monday, 7 May 2018


How would you like to skip right the middle of Mainstreet USA? 
Eat Mickey-shaped pretzels on the hub grass?
Dine with the Beast in the West Wing at Be Our Guest restaurant?
Discover the secrets of The Hollywood Tower Hotel?
March with Stormtroopers down Hollywood Boulevard?
How about having a chat with Mulan about being a national hero in the China Pavilion in Epcot?
(Literally weeping into laptop as I type these out remembering how amazing it all is!)

And finally, how does winning not one, but two 14-day Ultimate Tickets to Walt Disney World (worth £800) sound to you?! Well I've teamed up with Ocean Florida to let you know all about the amazing competition they're running for the next 31 days...
You've got up until the 31st May to enter, and it couldn't be easier!

Simply click HERE to enter!
All you have to do enter is enter using your email address, and get additional entries for liking their Facebook page, following them on Twitter, and subscribing to their mailing list!

Here's a little bit of info around the park tickets you could win, courtesy of Ocean Florida...
"Purchase the 14 Day Ultimate Ticket and enjoy access to all 6 Walt Disney World parks for 14 consecutive days. Benefit from unlimited use of the Disney transportation system, access to Disney's FASTPASS+ and use of DISNEY'S OAK TRAIL GOLF COURSE. Also, receive a FREE Memory Maker."

And if you're looking at booking a Walt Disney World holiday, then head on over to the Disney section on their site here - and get a free quote now! They can build the perfect package for you, with all the magical extras. It's the ultimate dream for me, to go back to the most magical place on Earth, and I love living vicariously through all your amazing pictures on Instagram! If you're heading over the holiday of a lifetime, then be sure to tag me @disneyinparticular so I can keep up with all your adventures 💛

And good luck!

Lucy x

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