Saturday, 18 March 2017


It feels like it's been an age since I posted on here, and actually it has been a little too long - I'll try not to do that again! I've got a very exciting post coming up today - all about Beauty & the Beast, and the Live Concert Experience screenings in Leicester Square Odeon. The first half of this post is going to be my review/thoughts on the film (spoiler free), and I'm going to end with some information about the screenings Odeon are having this weekend.
Now I think it's pretty safe to say that us Disnerds have been patiently (kind of?!) waiting for this film's release from the second it was announced. For me personally, Beauty & the Beast is actually not one of my top Classics. Now that's not to say I don't like it, quite the opposite actually, but if I were to name my top 10 animated Classics from the 55 that have been released, I wouldn't put BATB in that list. So it wasn't actually until the cast was announced that I became more interested. As we began to see leaked images and audio, I ended up (I'm sorry to say) becoming one of those annoying sceptics that was questioning pretty much everything I was seeing. Anxiety ended up overtaking the feeling of excitement when I thought about the release, only because as someone who completely immerses themselves in Disney everyday, I would hate for them to bring something out that I didn't love - although that obviously sometimes does happen - the BFG was just okay.

I was questioning the look of the characters - specifically Mrs Potts, Lumiere, Cogsworth and the Beast, as well as the casting of Emma Watson (yes I'm sorry, I was that person). In fact, pretty much all I was excited about was LeFou and Gaston, who for me from the moment of announcement were both perfect casting. It wasn't until the final trailer that I really liked what I was seeing, and even then, that feeling reverted back to one of anxiety between seeing that, and the film's release. That being said, when release day did finally come around, I honestly spent the whole day feeling giddy - I think being involved with the Disney community on Instagram really helped up the excitement for me - it's hard not to be excited when everyone else is!

Having watched the film twice now (I'm also toying with the idea of going again tonight as my boyfriend is out, and we're watching it together tomorrow as well) - I feel like I can sort of put my feelings into words. In short, for me this film is perfect. There is not a single thing I would change about it - yes there was a lot in it that was pretty much word for word the same as the original, but there was also so much more - including some very clever lyric changes. All of the extra stories they added made the characters so much more relatable, especially the Beast, and it didn't have the same Stockholm Syndrome feel of the original for me. All doubts about Emma Watson were thrown to the wind as soon as she first appeared on screen - she's completely believable as Disney's arguably most head-strong heroine. But for me the stand out performance was (no surprises here) Luke Evans. Oh my. It's not a complaint, but I feel that he's almost too good looking for this role - I find it very difficult to do anything other than swoon when he's on screen, and I think Disney must have realised this as they did throw in a few extra horrible moments to try and turn you against him (which scarcely worked for me really!). LeFou as well was spot on, and I loved what they did with his character - he was so much more than he was in the animation. Josh Gad's comedic timing is perfect, although if you're looking for his big "gay moment" don't hold your breath. That whole thing was totally blown out of proportion, and the thought that some cinemas have banned the film because of it is ridiculous. Honestly if no one from Disney had said anything I don't think anyone would have even noticed it happens! It is still however a step in the right direction.

My worries about the looks of Lumiere, Mrs Potts and Cogsworth also disappeared on first viewing - they are all so charming and lovely (especially Emma Thompson who brings incredible warmth to her teapot form), that I couldn't do anything but fall in love with them. Same goes for the Beast - I wasn't a massive fan of Dan Stevens before watching this film - although I'm not sure why because I've literally never seen him in anything. Now I love him! I just love everything about the film. I'm sorry I can't be more analytical, or creative in what I say - I'm actually finding it really hard to put into words just how much I love it. Last year every time Disney released something new, I loved it more than the last release - I adored Zootropolis, then Jungle Book came out and that took over, followed by Finding Dory which you might remember I was obsessed with. Then Moana happened, and I thought "this is the most I could ever love a film", and now Beauty and the Beast has come out and thrown a another spanner in the works. If I could, I would honestly go and watch it everyday - luckily I work in a cinema so I can definitely get a fair few more screenings in.

Now onto the Disney Concert Experience. 
A few days before the film's release, I was contacted by UK Blog Awards about a special screening courtesy of Odeon, at their Leicester Square cinema, and whether I would like to attend so I could enjoy the evening, and tell all you lovely lot about it. Who would turn that down?! So yesterday I made my way to London, and having spent some of the afternoon wandering around the Disney Store on Oxford Street, my friend Laura and I (Odeon were lovely enough to give me a plus one) made our way over to Leicester Square. 

Odeon are doing three of these screenings - last night was the first, and then there will be one tonight, and one tomorrow. So if you're in the area, or can easily get to London and are free tonight or tomorrow night, I would 100% recommend you look at going. You can book tickets here. Tickets are £40 each for stalls, or £30 for  seats further back, and included in that price is the pre-show 'concert experience' in which the Disney Concert Orchestra perform the following with singers:

1. Prologue / Introduction
2. 'Something There'
3. 'Belle / Be Our Guest'
4. 'Evermore'
5. 'Beauty & The Beast Theme'

As well as that, there's some recorded segments from Dan Stevens, Alan Menken, and some other cast members. Obviously there's also a screening of the film following on from the music, and you'll also get given a special commemorative brochure complete with three of the soundtrack songs on a CD. 

I am so grateful that I got to attend this screening - Laura and I really felt like we were amongst our people! Everyone that was there had paid £30 or £40 to be there, so obviously they really wanted to watch the film. That meant that everyone was laughing at the funny bits, and crying at the emotional bits, and it made for such a fantastic atmosphere. The screen was huge, and the sound was incredible - so worth the money if you ask me. It was also the first time that I've ever watched a film and had people clap and cheer when it's finished - you could just tell that everyone adored it. Having watched it again last night we both agreed I'm not sure how anyone could watch that film and not fall completely in love with it?!

I'd like to say such a massive thank you to Odeon and the UK Blog Awards for getting in contact with me, and giving me the incredible opportunity to attend the screening, it was so special and something I will always remember. If you've seen the film already, I hope you loved it. If you're yet to see it, I hope you love it when you do watch it, and for those of you going to the concert screenings - enjoy!

Thank you for reading ☺


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